Wednesday, January 28, 2009

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It's been busy here in the Hoehl Welcome Center.

Our second batch of Early Action acceptance letters went out so if you applied to the December 1st deadline, you should have heard from us by now. I keep meaning to take a video of us bring letters to the post office, but the conditions are never quite right. Either we're rushing to get there before the post office is about to close, it's too dark out, or I completely forget. Hopefully I'll get one for the next round which should be hitting the mail in March.

I had the quintessential Vermont outdoorsy weekend last weekend. Skied Saturday at Smuggs, snowshoed for a couple of hours in the woods behind my house on Sunday. There's no better feeling than having been outside on a cold winter's day exercising and then coming into a warm house in lounging by a wood stove.

It's good for the soul.

It's not great for the bum ankle. I finally broke down and made a doctor's appointment to get the ankle that I rolled playing basketball before Christmas. I've been playing ball on it, but playing basketball is a lot different from skiing in the trees at Smuggs and needing to put your full weight on it to avoid hugging lumber.

The Saint Michael's College Blogger's Facebook page, Class of 2013 Facebook page and Knightspace are all hopping. Be sure to check them out. Drop me a line if you hare having trouble finding any of them. amillikin at

Now playing: Dave Matthews & Tim Reynolds - Ants Marching (Live)
via FoxyTunes